What is Wordle?
Wordle is a very easy to use word cloud creator. It makes your text look funny and exciting. You can create word clouds with any type of text you might choose. The main feature of this tool is that the more frequent words in a text increase in size and the most common words are left out by default but it also gives you the chance to include them if you want to. You can also customise the colour, font, and lay out. Besides, it allows you to randomize with the same text and get new clouds with just one click. The word cloud you create, you can either print it out, save it as public gallery into a webpage or copy the code and paste into your blog, so you can have access to it afterwards
You can find Wordle in the following link:
How to use Wordle?
You can watch this video to learn how to use Wordle:
Why is Wordle relevant to language learning?
- It is an attractive tool to present new vocabulary to students, therefore it encourages motivation and engagement.

- Wordles can be used as warm ups, and activate previous knowledge.
- It favors the practice and development of the reading language skill.
- It can support not only linguistic skills but also the development of cognitive ones. For instance, students can identify some words, select and classify them, analyse or infere the meaning of them as well.
- Teachers can also ask their students to reflect on the content of the wordle and discuss with other peers about it. Therefore, it favors interaction among them.
- Wordle can also be used to teach grammar.
How might you use Wordle in class/outside the class?
1. Within the classroom
- Teachers can present a list of verbs or vocabulary in a more interesting way.
- They can also use a wordle as a hook for the class and enhance inference from students. For instance, teachers might start the class showing a wordle made it intentionally by adding the main words of the topic he/she is going to talk about during that class.
- Students can use it to find the biggest words in a text given either by the teacher or found by themselves. Then, the teacher can ask them to make a list of them and look up the meaning of the different words in a dictionary, and write some sentences using these words.
How might you use Wordle in class/outside the class?
1. Within the classroom
- Teachers can present a list of verbs or vocabulary in a more interesting way.
- They can also use a wordle as a hook for the class and enhance inference from students. For instance, teachers might start the class showing a wordle made it intentionally by adding the main words of the topic he/she is going to talk about during that class.
- Students can use it to find the biggest words in a text given either by the teacher or found by themselves. Then, the teacher can ask them to make a list of them and look up the meaning of the different words in a dictionary, and write some sentences using these words.
2. Outside the classroom
- Teachers can ask their students to choose part of a description of a place, such as country, monument, or famous landscape, put the text in wordle, find the adjectives, nouns and their meaning that describe it, print it out and bring it to class. In class, students can be grouped and asked to describe the place they chose by using the most prominent adjectives and nouns found.
- Students can also include a wordle to start a presentation, and then lead the audience to some specific topic, such as the biography of a favorite singer.
- Teachers can ask some students to create a cloud with different doubts in form of questions for a future test, and they can discuss and clarify them in class. The discussion through this tool can be more meaningful and rewarding for the students.
What limitations can you see with the use of Wordle?
- When you save your wordle in the public gallery, it is difficult to find it again because there is not a search engine. You might have to look it up by yourself in different pages immediately or you may lose your wordle forever.
- It is hard to control the lay out, because it changes when you edit it.
- It is just a visual aid. It mainly favors this type of learning style.
- It does not provide the meaning of words.
- Words are not seen in context.